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It is important because fact is what is proven by an official and opinion is what you determine on your own. :)

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Q: What is the importance of differentiating fact from opinion when reviewing data and documentation?
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In engineering you can use items around the workshop such as posters on info boards or their may already be drill and hole sizes for tap for example a 6.8mm drill bit for a M8 tap on a technical drawing or bend tolerences for the materials thickness.

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The focus on self-importance is egotism.

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the importance of free speech is that u can express yourself without being express your opinion or concern without the fear of retaliation from the government.

Does the opinion of an expert in a field carry more weight than the opinion of someone who is not an expert?

The opinion of an expert in the field does tend to carry more weight than the opinion of someone is not an expert. It is even written in the Bible how people hold documentation proof in higher esteem. For instance a theology major is more likely to be listened to than someone with the experience but without the degree.

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It means an opinion or related data of lesser importance than the text to which it applies; a footnote.

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If the laws are broken, the city is broken.

What was John F. Kennedy's good qualities?

Entirely opinion. A good week's work of reviewing news clips and articles of his life should give you a solid idea. There is no definite, unbiased answer to this question. Sorry.

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An opinion in the story "Hatchet" could be about the protagonist, Brian, and how his resourcefulness and resilience in surviving alone in the wilderness are admirable. Another opinion could be about the importance of self-reliance and problem-solving skills that are portrayed through Brian's journey.

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Different people have different opinions. If you have a differentiating opinion, please add it at the bottom.Ways to Spend One Million Dollars250,000 savings500,000 charity200,000 Remodeling, extra savings, etc50,000 Anything (car, furniture, etc)