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Q: What is the importance of dynamics in automobile engineering?
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Give me all the importance of automobile engineering?

an automobile engineer acquires knowledge about technical,mathematical and scientific details about an automobile and apply his knowledge to new design and modification,maintain and to produce new type of innovative automobile

What is the importance of soil dynamics in civil engineering?

Its use to determine the suitability of a soil for the proposed project, and to determine the elastic limit of a soil

Why engineering dynamics is important in civil engineering?

dynamics is basically subject which is more useful in mechanical engg but nowadays when earthquake design of building has gained importance, we, the civil engineers use the dynamic study for the structures to get help regarding earthquake design

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A: Dynamics

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Automobile power engineering is better if you are making an automobile, but worse if you making a computer or a TV set.

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Is automobile degree coures is provided by ime?

Yes.IME Provided Degree Engineering course in Automobile engineering

What is vehicle dynamics?

Vehicle dynamics are the things that are consider the dynamics of vehicles. It is a part of engineering primarily based on mechanics.

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Sometimes, but not always engineering can get frusterating

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Which is the most prestigious institute offering Automobile engineering in USA?"

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importance of weathering in civil engineering

What is automobile engineering?

Engineering to do with designing and repairing of automobiles