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equatorial rain forests are the densest type of rainforest as well as having the largest biodiversity out of all of them. They hold so many diffrent animals and create so much of the worlds oxegon they have to be protected. They also help us with medicine as well because they have so many plants as well.

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Q: What is the importance of equatorial rain-forests?
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What is the Natural vegetation of Hot wet equatorial climate?

The natural vegetation of a hot wet equatorial climate typically includes dense tropical rainforests with a wide variety of plant species such as tall trees, epiphytes, lianas, and ferns. These rainforests are characterized by high biodiversity and constant warmth and moisture, supporting a complex ecosystem of plants and animals. This type of vegetation is often found near the equator, where temperatures are consistently high and there is abundant rainfall throughout the year.

What birds in the tropical rainforest migrate?

Animals that live in temperate rainforests migrate, however animals that's live in equatorial rainforests do not as equatorial rainforests have no seasons and the climate is the same all year round.

What causes the equatorial climate in a rainforest?

The equatorial climate in a rainforest is caused by the location near the equator, where the sun's rays strike the Earth most directly, resulting in consistently high temperatures and abundant rainfall throughout the year. This combination of factors creates a stable warm and humid environment that supports the growth of diverse flora and fauna in rainforests.

What are the dense evergreen equatorial forests found in the Amazon region known as?

Tropical Rainforests

Explain how the natural vegetation of the equatorial rainforest has adopted to the climate?

The climate has adapted from animal to the quretwealette equatorial by vegetation to the animals of the quretwealette florencial rainforests.

What is the humidity at the equatorial low?

The humidity at the equatorial low is generally high due to the warm and moist air rising at the equator. This rising air results in the formation of rainforests and often leads to frequent and heavy rainfall in equatorial regions.

Do trees lose their leaves in equatorial regions?

Trees lose their leaves all the time, but rainforests do not shed their leaves all at once.

Is a deciduous forest like the forest in twilight?

No, a deciduous forest refers to the equatorial rainforests or other rainforests that lose their leaves, the rainforest in Twilight is coniferous, meaning that it is evergreen and doesn't lose it's leaves.Equatorial rainforests are not evergreen, they do lose their leaves just not all at once so they appear green in general.

What is the importance of a rainforest?

rainforests are important because trees make oxygen, and if the rainforests wil disappear, a lot of rainforest animals, such as the touucan, the jaguar and the macaw, will disappear with them.

What rain forest do the toucans live in?

Toucans live in most equatorial rainforests (RF near the equator) due to the warmth and humid climate that toucans love. An example of an equatorial rainforest is the amazon rainforest, famous for its lush, green leaves.

Why does it rain so much in equatorial forests?

Rainforests grow near the equator because Earth is round and the sun ray's are more intense at the equatorial region. Additionally the Sun is almost directly overhead at the Equator, which causes the temperature in the tropics to range from 20 degree Celsius to 30 degree Celsius. Also this would mean that the places at or near the Equator would receive more or less the same amount of sunlight. The equatorial regions also have high rainfall from water vapour evaporated from the heat from the Equator that evaporates water. High rainfall and strong sunlight allow the rainforests to thrive and survive in equatorial regions.