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Q: What is the importance of physics in human development?
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The importance of training and development in Human Resources Management involves proper management of personnel.

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Human growth, learning, and development are essential for individuals to adapt and contribute effectively within a global logistics network, fostering innovation, efficiency, and competitiveness in this interconnected world.

What is the importance of physics in the development of technology?

Without physics, there would be no fast cars, no Nokia series, no rockets launching, no faster trains, and no high definition television

Importance of physics and technology to the national development?

Very important. National Development involves managing natural resources and nature. Physics is key to understanding nature and technology is important to manging it. Education and economics and cooperation are also important.

Can give you at least 5 importance of measurement?

Measurement is a neccessary element in the development of any related branch of science. Metrology is dealt within physics and it is a complete branch of applied physics.

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the importance of human stages of development is to get know more about our selves

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Culture is important to human development because it contributes to building a person's identity. It helps build self-esteem and social cohesion.

What is the importance of formula to physics?

physics is the conbination of formulas.

Relative importance of biological inheritance and environmental factors in human development?

The answer is Nature versus Nuture.

What are the contributions of physics to the society and national development?

contributions of physics to society and national development

What is the importance of physics in getting a pilots degree?

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