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Q: What is the importance of rivers in Indian agriculture?
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Role of rivers in indian economy?

The role of rivers in the Indian economy is very huge. The rivers form the main backbone for agriculture which is a main source of income for most families.

What bay do all of indias rivers flow?

The bay that all of India's rivers flow into is the Bay of Bengal. Indian rivers are regarded sacred and have spiritual importance.

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Biotechnology will be a boon to Indian agriculture. This is because the government gives importance to this sector and in order to be globally competitive, the country has to embrace biotechnology for its tremendous economic potential.

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Agriculture doesn't necessarily have any great importance to science, but science offers great benefits within agriculture.

What is the role of rivers in the development of Indian economy?

Rivers have been of fundamental importance throughout the human history. Water from the rivers is a basic natural resource, essential for various human activities. Therefore, the river banks have attracted settlers from ancient times. These settlements have now become big cities. Using rivers for irrigation, navigation, hydro-power generations of special significance for country like India, where agriculture is the major source of livelihood of the majority of its population. SOURCE: NCERT

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The religious beliefs of the Sumerian people showed the importance of agriculture in their lives.

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as Pakistan is the third largest agricultural country it's economy depends on agricultue.Rivers are the most important source of water which is used in agriculture and for the process of irrigation

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Source of food.

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