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Yes the Holocaust is important but more than that it was a very sad time. And Adolf Hitler killed 18 thousand people, he killed different people than just Jews. There were more than 14 thousand Natzi consentration camps. A little girl named Ida in the Holocaust said this "There were a lot of children but I don't remember anybody running around or playing. We were so hungry - we couldn't think of anything else. All the grass in the yard was eaten," A prisoner lasted less than a year. They died of starvation, illness, killed by Natzies, went to the "Jew Smoke Stack". Before being killed, people were exploited until there last breath. It was a sad time and we must take good out of this bad time by never doing it again and learning that everyone is different and unique and we must embrass it.

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The Holocaust was very important. Adolf Hitler, leader of Germany's Nazi Party was against Jewish people, homosexuals etc. As you may know, Hitler set up regimes in which Jewish people were killed and tortured. Concentration, Labour and Death camps were set up to help these plans along. I think concentration and death camps are the same thing, camps where in most cases Jews were gassed or killed in some other way. The most well known of these was Auschwitz, the most horrid. Labour camps are where Jews were sent to work and do forced labour. In the end 6 Million Jews were killed.

These events were important not only because millions of people died, but because Hitler was a powerful man and a power hungry man. He started taking over countries including Germany and Poland. Had he not been stopped, the world would have been taken over and you would probably be speaking German under the close watch of dictators

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