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Q: What is the importance of the hepatic portal vein in the digestion of food?
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What supplys the blood to the liver?

The liver receives a dual blood supply from the hepatic portal vein and hepatic arteries. Hepatic portal vein gets it a food supply which comes from digestive canal.

The hepatic portal veins transport digested food and water to the?


Name the blood vessel that carries digested food to the liver?

hepatic portal vein

What is the end product of fat digestion and where is it released into?

There are two products of fat digestion: fatty acids and glycerol. As with all digested food, they are produced in the small intestine, and pass through its wall into the blood capillaries, which join together to make the hepatic portal vein which carries the food to the liver for processing.

How do oxygen and particles of digested food get into the cells of your body?

Oxygen and particles of digested food get into the cells from the small intestine, from there they drain into the hepatic portal vein. The hepatic portal vein goes to the liver to filter out nutrients required and excesses are metabolized and converted.

What vessels supply blood to the liver?

The proper hepatic artery supplies the liver and gall bladder

Hepatic portal vein is formed by union of the?

The hepatic portal vein is formed by the union of (a) splenic vein, which drains the spleen, pancreas, greater curvature of stomach and (b) superior mesenteric, which drains the small intestine and ascending colon. The gastric vein, which drains the lesser curvature of the stomach, empties directly into the hepatic portal vein.The hepatic portal vein is formed by the union of (a) the splenic vein, which drains the spleen, part of the pancreas, and the stomach & (b) superior mesentic vein, which drains the small intestine and transverse colon. The left gastric vein, which drains the lesser curve of the stomach, empties directly into the hepatic portal vein.

Where is the hepatic-portal circulation situated?

between the left gastric and lienal The portal vein(vena portæ) is about 8 cm. in length, and is formed at the level of the second lumbar vertebra by the junction of the superior mesenteric and lienal veins, the union of these veins taking place in front of the inferior vena cava and behind the neck of the pancreas. It passes upward behind the superior part of the duodenum and then ascends in the right border of the lesser omentum to the right extremity of the porta hepatis, where it divides into a right and a left branch, which accompany the corresponding branches of the hepatic artery into the substance of the liver. In the lesser omentum it is placed behind and between the common bile duct and the hepatic artery, the former lying to the right of the latter. It is surrounded by the hepatic plexus of nerves, and is accompanied by numerous lymphatic vessels and some lymph glands.

Which blood vessel contain the most nutrientsa few hour after eating a heavy meal?

After foods are digested and absorbed into the blood stream through the intestinal walls. From there they travel through a special vein called the hepatic portal vein which conveys the food to the liver for processing. It is in that hepatic portal vein that you will find the most nutrients shortly after eating.

What is the difference between ingestion and digestion?

Ingestion is the taking in of food or other substances. Digestion refers to the breakdown of food into smaller particles, capable of later absorbtion. In humans, the mouth is the portal of "ingestion", whereas most" digestion" occurs in the stomach and bowel.

The process by which food is broken down into simpler substances is?

Digestion Science haters that cheat on test and if you say no you're gonna pay

What is the function of a pyloric stomach in a starfish?

Pyloric caeca or hepatic caeca helps in a starfish's digestion. It is located in the their arms. After swallowing their prey, they then place it in their Pyloric caeca where the digestion process starts.