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Q: What is the importance of the intramembranous and the endochondral bones?
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How was bones form?

There are two ways bones are formed, intramembranous ossification, and endochondral ossification. Intramembranous ossification is how the flat bones are formed, while the long bones are formed with endochondral ossification.

Most bones of the body form by which type of ossification?

Intramembranous ossification

Does endochondral ossification begins on fibrous connective tissue membranes?

No, INTRAMEMBRANOUS OSSIFICATION, is developed from a fibrous membrane. Essentially all bones below the base of the skull (except the clavicles) are formed from endochondral ossification. Endochondral ossification uses hyaline cartilage "bones" as a pattern for forming true bones.

What are the two types of ossification?

Intramembranous and Endochondral Ossification

Cranial bones and other flat bones develop?

The calvaria including the parietal, frontal, temporal,and occipital bones form by intramembranous ossification. The skull base develops via endochondral ossification.

What bones is produced by intramembranous ossification?

Ossification means bone growth or formation. I will be disscussing breifly normal or physiological ossification because there is pathological ossification.There are two types of ossification in the human body: endochondral and intramembranous. Most of the bones in the human skeleton , especially the long and short bones, develop via endochondrial ossification, but some including the clavicle and most of the bones of the skull( flat bones) are formed by the intramembranous type. Intramembranous ossification , the source of most of the flat bones, is so called because it takes place within condensations of mesenchymal tissue and not by replacement of pre-existing piece of hyaline cartilage as the case in endochondral ossification. The frontal and parietal bones of the skull, as well as parts of the temporal and occipital bones and the mandible and maxilla, are formed by intra membranous ossification. This process also contributes to the growth of short bones and the thickening (not the lengthening) of long bones.

What is formed via intramembranous ossification?

Intramembranous bones are always flat bones. Parts of the skull, mandible and the maxilla are all considered to be intramembranous bones.

Of what four things are bones made?

Almost every bone in your body is made of the same materials:The outer surface of bone is called the periosteum (say: pare-ee-os-tee-um). It's a thin, dense membrane that contains nerves and blood vessels that nourish the bone.The next layer is made up of compact bone. This part is smooth and very hard. It's the part you see when you look at a skeleton.Within the compact bone are many layers of cancellous(say: kan-sell-us) bone, which looks a bit like a sponge. Cancellous bone is not quite as hard as compact bone, but it is still very strong.In many bones, the cancellous bone protects the innermost part of the bone, the bone marrow (say: mair-oh). Bone marrow is sort of like a thick jelly, and its job is to make blood

How is the intramembranous bone differ from that of the endochondral bone?

Intramembranous ossification [flat bones] & endochondral ossification [long bones].The essential between them is the presence or absence of cartilaginous phase.Intramembranous ossification occurs when mesenchymal precursor cells proliferate & subsequently differentiate directly into osteoblasts w/c mineralize an immature bone tissue called woven bone,characterize by irregular bundles of randomly oriented collagen fibers & an abundance of partially calcified immature new bone called asteoid.At later stages this woven bone is progressively remodeled to mature,lamellar bone. Endochondral ossification entails the conversion of a cartilaginous template into bone.Mesenchymal cells condense & differentiate into chondrocytes w/c secrete the cartilaginous matrix.This embryonic cartilage is avascular,& during its early development,a ring of woven bone is formed by intramembranous ossification in the future mid shaft area.This calcified woven bone is then invaded by vascular tissue,& osteoclasts & osteoblasts are recruited to replace the cartilage scaffold w/ bone matrix & excavate the hematopoietic bone marrow cavity.

What might happen if children's bones didn't have growth plates of cartilag?

They wouldn't grow or get bigger.

The long bones of the body are developed by what type of ossification?

Long bones are developed by endochondral ossification, which requires a cartilage precursor.

Ossification of flat bones is called?

Intramembranous ossification