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Q: What is the important role of the rips and skull in your body in terms of a car accident?
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Why do you have skull?

Main function of the skull is to protect the brain, one of the most important organ in your body.

How many craniums does the human body have?

Cranium is your skull. The human body has only one skull.

Where is the brain lodged in human body?

In the cranium (skull)

Is skull or spine more important?

both are, actually each single bone in the body counts, if you want to be well intact !

What does the skull does for the human body?

The skull protects the brain from getting hurt

What is the use of the skull in the body?

main function of skull is to protect the very meticulous organ of human body that is brain.

What does the skull function for the human body?

The skull protects the brain from getting hurt

Why is it important for the body to maintain CSF volume within the normal range?

It is important for the body to maintain CSF volume within the normal range, since there is limited space within the skull and spinal column. It is also important for the fluid to remain at a constant pressure

What is the HardestSubstance in the human Body?

The skull.

What is the bone in the head of the body?

your skull

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Why is the skull so important to the skeletal system?

It protects the brain which is the most important part of you body because it controls everything