

What is the improtance of oil?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: What is the improtance of oil?
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This Is SO STUPID just like all you people the answers so simple

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The importance of processing drinks and coffees are the Neatness and the cleanliess of the surrounding where you perform your beverages, the speed of preparing, the uniqueness of the beverage

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The importance of mosques today and before and tomorrow is the same. It is the place where Muslims gather for praying, celebrating the feasts, helping the poor, and performing social activities for the benefit of community.

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Johnothon is a mythological figure in Australia history, he is also found in Aztec mythology, aswell as greek, Japanese, Egyptian and pacific island mythology. No one has found what or who this figure is, but he seems to be of great improtance to the world and all it's life.

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Energy basically fuels the human body (and any animal's body), fuels machinery (cars, trains, etc) and the biggest energy source, The Sun, keeps the earth alive (there is so much data and explanations how)

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Inside any Country any sort of acess to Information should be controlled by Government as it has the authority to decide best in Public Interest of its citizens. In hands of Private concerns & independent bodies, Security of Information can't be guaranteed.

Improtance of fashion?

Fashion not only opens up many career oppertunities it is even concidered a hobby to many people. Some items can be breathtakingly stunning or just to be used for pratical purposes. It also makes you feel confident about yourself; if you look good you feel good.

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It has various reasons.The most important could be to find a suitable place for human residancy in futuer.Also finding rare minerals and bringing those to Earth is a reason.The third, maybe is searching for other kinds of human who probably live outer space.