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Q: What is the inflammation of the eustachian tube called?
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What is the medical term meaning inflammation of the nose and eustachian tubes?

Salpingostenosis is the medical term meaning abnormal narrowing of the eustachian tube. The breakdown is salpingo- (tube - usually eustachian or fallopian) and -stenosis (abnormal narrowing).

What is the function of the tube that leads from the middle ear to the throat?

The Eustachian joins the ear to the throat

Channel between the middle ear and the nasopharynx?

The answer is the auditory (Eustacean) tube.

What is eustachitis?

Eustachitis is inflammation or infection of the Eustachian tube, a small passage that connects the middle ear to the upper throat. Symptoms can include ear pain, hearing difficulties, and pressure in the ear. Treatment may involve pain relief medications and managing any underlying infection.

Which part of the ear has nothing to do with hearing?

---- ====== ====== eustachian tube ---- ====== ====== eustachian tube

What connects the middle ear to the throat helps equalize middle ear pressure?

Eustachian tube which runs to your nose. I believe the correct answer is the Pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube

What is located between the middle ear and the throat and serves to equalize pressure on both sides of the eardrum?

The Eustachian tube

Blocked eustachian tube?

The Eustachian tube is located within the human ear. If the Eustachian tube is blocked, air is prevented from passing through to the middle ear.

What is the passege between the throat and the tympanic cavity called?

Eustachian tube

What is the channel between the middle ear and the nasopharynx called?

Eustachian tube

What is the structure that allows equalization of the pressure in the middle ear with that outside the body?

The Eustachian tube, nowadays known as the pharyngotympanic tube. THis structure connect the middle ear to the oropharnx allowing the air from outside into the inner ear, equalizing pressure and so reducung stress on the tympanic membrane. The tube is only open when the person is swallowing and this is why chewing gums on descending and ascending planes helps ears to "pop"

What is the founction of the eustachian tube?

The function of the eustachian tube is to equalize the air pressure in the middle ear.