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It is the nucleus. It controls the activities of cell

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Q: What is the information center and activities director of the cell?
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The control center and director of cell activities is the?

The nucleus.

What is the function of the nulceus?

contains information * Stores thecell's hereditary material , or DNA, and it coordinates the cell's activities* information and administrative center of the cell [[What is the function of the nucleus#ixzz16ZZsgKB4|]]

What is the function od nucleus in animal cell?

The nucleus is a highly specialized organelle that serves as the information and administrative center of the cell.

What structure directs the activities of a cell?

The nucleus directs the activities of a cell. You can think of the nucleus as a control center of a cell.

Control center of the cell directs the cell's activities?


What is the information center for the cell?

The information center for the cell is the nucleus.

What is the main function of the cell nucleus?

Its a control center. Regulates activities of the cell Carry DNA (Heredity Material.).

What is the function and purpose of the nucleus?

I had a test on this today.A nucleus is the center of a cell,which controls all cell activities and contains genetic material

What do people call nucleus?

The control center for the Cell it directs all of the cell's activities

What is the control center of a cel?

The nucleus generally regulates the activities of the cell.

How is the nucleus the command center of the cell?

The nucleus controls which proteins are made and when.

Why is the nucleus called the information center of eukaryotic?

The nucleus is called the information center of eukaryotic cells because it contains the cell's genetic material, DNA. It directs the cell's activities and controls the synthesis of proteins through transcription and translation. The nucleus also regulates the replication and division of the cell, making it a central hub for genetic information and cellular control.