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The insertion of the latissimus dorsi is the humerus.

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intertubercular groove of humerus or bicipital groove

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Q: What is the insertion of latissimus dorsi?
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Related questions

Where does the insertion of the muscle located?

Insertion of muscles are located in different areas depending on the muscle in question. The insertion of the latissimus dorsi muscle is the arm.

Where is the latissimus dorsi located?

The Latissimus Dorsi is located around the sides of your back.It is a muscle in your body.

Muscle that adducts the shoulder and causes extension of the shoulder joint?

The latissimus dorsi, and the trees major, which is known as the " little lat", both adduct, extend, and internally(medially) rotate the shoulder. The long head of the triceps also extend and addicts the shoulder, while also being an elbow extensor

Muscle that is antagonist of the latissimus dorsi?

It is the middle deltoidIt is the Deltoid Muscle .

What two broad superficial muscles are receiving the bulk of attention if the back is massaged?

Trapezius and Latissimus dorsi

Why is latissimus dorsi not an abdominal muscle group?

Because the latissimus dorsi origin is from the back and it inserts on the humerus. It doesn't cover the abdomen at all.

What is the main function of the latissimus dorsi?


What is the agonist of Abduction of the shoulder joint?

Latissimus dorsi

Which term does not belong latissimus dorsi pectoralis major synergists adduction of shoulder or antagonists?

The latissimus dorsi and pectorals major are synergists for shoulder adduction

What muscle compresses abdominal contents?

The muscle that does not compress the abdomen is the latissimus dorsi. The latissimus dorsi literally means the broadest muscle of the back.

What is the antagonist of the anterior deltoid muscle?

The antagonist of teres minor is: To medial rotation: latissimus dorsi, long head of triceps, pectoralis major, subscapularis. In Extension of humerus: latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoid and long head of triceps

Which muscle is located in the lower extremities?

latissimus dorsi