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They is not much its that they like to say that they do ok !

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Q: What is the inter relationship between plants and animal?
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The prefix "inter-" means between or among. It is commonly used to indicate a relationship or connection between two or more things.

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What is difference between intraspesific ang interspesific relationship?

The prefix "intra" means within, while the prefix "inter" means between.

What is the meaning for the prefix inter?

The prefix "inter" means between or among. It is commonly used in English to indicate a relationship or connection between multiple things or people.

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In Latin "inter" means "between". The prefix "inter" is used in many words to mean variously between, across, or among. Words beginning "inter" usually describe a relationship between things - e.g. "international" - between nations, "interview" - a meeting between people.

What is the difference between social and interhuman?

There is a very slight difference between social and inter-human relationship. While social relationships extent to a large community, inter-human relationships are limited to two participants that are involved in dialogue.

What is inter commune relationship?

Inter means between two communes and intra would be between the people in the same commune. So in your case, the relationships would be between two seperate communes, it could be a business relation, working relation or personal relation between members.

What is inter-communal relationship?

Inter means between two communes and intra would be between the people in the same commune. So in your case, the relationships would be between two seperate communes, it could be a business relation, working relation or personal relation between members.

What is intra - personal relationship?

There is a difference between inter- and intrapersonal relationships. Since I'm not sure if you really mean inter instead, I will address both. Inter means between two different things (like an interstate highway goes between two different states). Intra means within (like an intrastate highway stays within the state. An interpersonal relationship is between different people (like between you and others). An intrapersonal relationship would be within you, like maybe between your body, soul and spirit, or between different parts of you.

What is symbiotic relationship in plants?

Plants make and propagate with seeds. It isn't a symbiotic relationship since that is inter-species. Many plants have symbiotic relationships with insects (bees and flowers). link on symbiosis:

What is the differnce between inter and intra?

intre is within and inter is between