

What is the isotope iodine 75?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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8y ago

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There is no such isotope (75) known. Iodine (atom number 53, average Atomic Mass 127) has 53 protons and 70 up till 82 neutrons. The lowest known isotope number therefor is 123.

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Q: What is the isotope iodine 75?
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How many protons neutrons and electron respectively does 127 Iodine with negative charge?

Iodine has 53 protons. Iodine 127 has 74 neutrons. With a negative charge, it would have an extra electron, meaning it would have 54 electrons.

What is the half life of radioactive iodine?

The answer is simple it is 8 days for iodine-131 but it depends on what isotope you are talking about

What is iodine?

Iodine is a chemical element that has the symbol Iand atomic number 53. Naturally-occurring iodine is a single isotope with 74 neutrons. Iodine and its compounds are primarily used in medicine, photography, and dyes.

The iodine isotope with 74 neutrons?

An isotope of iodine with 74 neutrons would have a mass number of 53 +74 = 127. Therefore its symbol would be I -127 or 127 C 53. 127 and 53 should be written as superscript and subscript respectively before writing the chemical symbol of iodine when using the later (127 C 53).Ê 53 is the atomic number of iodine.ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ

What isotope iodine iron phosphorus radium has the longest half-time?

Phosphorus, iron, and iodine all have at least one isotope that is stable, and any of these would do for the longest half life. In fact, the radioactive isotopes of phosphorus are all synthetic, so radioactive phosphorus is not found in nature.

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What is iodine-131?

Iodine-131 is a radioactive isotope of the element iodine.

What is iodone-131?

Iodine-131 (not iodone) is a radioactive isotope of iodine: this isotope has important applications in the treatment of thyroid diseases.

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53 protons 74 neutrons in which element of the periodic table?

This is stable isotope of iodine - iodine-127.

How many protons neutrons and electron respectively does 127 Iodine with negative charge?

Iodine has 53 protons. Iodine 127 has 74 neutrons. With a negative charge, it would have an extra electron, meaning it would have 54 electrons.

Will iodine ever under go nuclear reaction?

If you use a heavier isotope of iodine, it should be radioactive.

What is the half life of radioactive iodine?

The answer is simple it is 8 days for iodine-131 but it depends on what isotope you are talking about

What type of isotope is iodine?

Iodine is an element. It comes in only one form I-127 so there are no isotopes.

What starts with 'I' in science?

iodine, isotope, ionic, iridium, ionize.

How is the radiotracer used to treat thyroid disorder?

This is the iodine isotope 131I.

How many protons neutrons and electrons does iodine-122 have?

The isotope iodine-122 has 53 protons and electrons and 69 neutrons.

How many neutrons are in an atom of I?

A typical atom of iodine contains 74 neutrons.