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Q: What is the isotopic symbol for the the sulfur isotope with 18 neutrons?
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This is a stable isotope of sulfur: 1616S.

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What chemical symbol for fluorine isotope with 9 neutrons?

The chemical symbol for fluorine isotope with 9 neutrons is 18F (18 is a superscript).

Confused over this chemistry question what is the isotopic symbol for an element having 12 neutrons where Z equals 10 wouldn't the element be Ne but doesn't Ne only have 10 neutrons?

Any atom with an atomic number of 10 is indeed neon. Most such atoms may have only 10 neutrons, but those with 12 neutrons are another isotope of neon. Since the mass number of an isotope is the sum of the numbers of protons and neutrons, the mass number of this isotope is 22, and one way of writing its symbol is 22Ne.

What is the isotope symbol for fluorine with 9 neutrons?


What is the isotope symbol of plutonium with 146 neutrons?

This is the isotope plutonium-240: 24094Pu.

What is the isotopic notations for neon?

The chemical symbol is Ne. An isotope is writted as: 2010Ne (20 is the atomic mass of the isotope, 10 is the atomic number of Ne).

What is the symbol and atomic number for an isotope with an mass number of 191 containing 115 neutrons?

This an isotope of osmium, osmium-191. The symbol is 19176Os.

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An isotope with 15 protons and 17 neutrons will have which symbol?

17P 15

Which isotope has 8 neutrons?

Which isotope of what element? We need a little more information here in order to be able to help you. However, the most common isotope of Oxygen has 8 neutrons. I hope this answers the question. If not, please try resubmitting with more information.