

What is the job of a lateral bud?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What is the job of a lateral bud?
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What is a lateral buds?

A lateral bud is a bud growing from the side of a shoot below the terminal bud.

The bud at the tip of a stem?

Terminal bud

What the function of a lateral bud?

The lateral bud is responsible for the development of branches. Other buds are the terminal buds, which develop from the shoot.

What is the function of a lateral bud?

The lateral bud is responsible for the development of branches. Other buds are the terminal buds, which develop from the shoot.

What is the function of lateral buds?

The lateral bud is located in the axil of the leaf. It is an offshoot that occurs near the leaf stem. It is possible that this bud will grow, causing bushy growth, but can also lay dormant.

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A lateral bud, which is a meristem, expands.

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What is the node on the pot plant?

The easiest way to describe the "node" is the swollen portion on the plant stem. There are a number of these that run down the length of the stem between the "narrow parts". The nodes are points along the stem where lateral buds can be found, these give rise to lateral branches or if the terminal bud is damages the next lateral bud will produce a new lateral which will form the new stem.

Why is the terminal bud considered an active parts of the stem?

The terminal or apical bud is found at the end of a branch marking the end of that years growth. Growth the following year will obviously start from this point. It is different from a lateral bud which grows from the side of the branch.

What do buds turn into on a flower?

well a bud a stem is the part of the flower that later in the future turns into a flower

What does laterence mean?

Lateral in anatomy means toward the side. You arms are lateral to your body.

What job do bugs and bud have to do after supper in hooverville?

Gather wood