

What is the job of the smooth muscle in the artery walls?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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To contract or dilate in order to increase/decrease blood pressure (and obviously blood supply)

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Q: What is the job of the smooth muscle in the artery walls?
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An organ is a structure composed of one type of tissues that do one job. For example, the smooth heart muscle cannot do the job of the striated thigh muscle. Specialized tissues that make up blood vessels and valves in the blood vessels could not do the job of the smooth muscles in the intestines.

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Muscle is a body parts in side of ous. There are three different types of muscle the Skeletal,Smooth and the Cardiac. The skeletal muscle is the muscle that you can see and feel its also a voluntary muscle that means you choose to move them. The Smooth is in your digustive system it helps you move along the food. The Cardiac is the muscle in your heart it has a job of pumping all the blood out from the heart.

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An organ is a structure composed of one type of tissues that do one job. For example, the smooth heart muscle cannot do the job of the striated thigh muscle. Specialized tissues that make up blood vessels and valves in the blood vessels could not do the job of the smooth muscles in the intestines.

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smooth muscles are involuntarily used muscles. these are present in the digestive system that moves and processes food. this is opposed to striped muscles that are voluntarily moved e.g. biceps; and cardic muscle that is present in the heart.

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What is the Smooth muscle tissue function?

innvoluntary muscles found in ur intestines and other internal organs regulating the flow of waste and food products.

What is the job of the cardiac muscle?

The job is that it protects your heart and lungs and it never tires from doing its job. It is also a involutary muscle which is a muscle that is not under your conscous control. The job is that it protects your heart and lungs and it never tires from doing its job. It is also a involutary muscle which is a muscle that is not under your conscous control. The job is that it protects your heart and lungs and it never tires from doing its job. It is also a involutary muscle which is a muscle that is not under your conscous control.

What is the job of smooth endoplasmic reticulum?

A membrane network within the cytoplasm of cells involved in the synthesis, modification, and transport of cellular materials.

What is the purpose of the smooth muscle in the trachea?

They constrict the airway. obviously.