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Q: What is the job vertebrae does in the human body?
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Where are the vertebrae in a human body?

The spine is made up of vertebrae.

Where is the lumbar vertebrae in the human body?

The lumbar vertebrae are located in the lower back region of the human spine, between the thoracic vertebrae and the sacrum. There are five lumbar vertebrae (L1 to L5) that support the weight of the upper body and allow for bending and twisting movements of the trunk.

What are the vertebrae human have?

a human being has 33 vertebrae all together including neck to spine and everything. and then for a humans neck is the same as a giraffe which is 7 vertebrae in their neck since they are both mammals the vertebrae are just different sizes.

How many lumber vertebrae human body have?

Thirty three

How many Lumbar vertebrae are thre in the human body?

5 .

What vertebrae are and where are they located in the human body?

They are like little bones. In the back.

26 v in the h b?

Vertebrae Human Body (or possibly Backbone)

Is there anything in the human body that has 7 parts to it?

7 vertebrae in the cervical section of the vertebral column

What is the smalliest vertebrae in the human body?

Atlas also known as C1. It is smallest because it is on top

How many vertebrae are in human neck?

There are 7 (seven) cervical (neck) vertebrae in the human neck.

How namy lumbar vertebrae does a human have?

Five lumbar vertebrae.

How many lumbar vertebrae are on the human body?

The human spine is made up of three parts, the cervical spine(neck), the thoracic(middle), and the lumbar (lower back). The lumbar consists of 5 vertebrae in the average adult human, but may also only have 4 or 6 vertebrae depending on the individual, although this is not as common.