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The joint above the hand is easy but it is called the wrist..

Come on seriously who doent knoe that?

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Q: What is the joint that connects the hand to the fingers?
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Related questions

What joints are in the hand?

Your thumb is a saddle joint, and your fingers are hinge joints.

What is the name of the knuckle joint?

The interphalangeal joints in the fingers are synovial hinge joints. The thumb metacarpal is a saddle joint. The metacarpo-phalangeal joints are synovial ellipsoid joints.

Where is the location of the metacarpals?

The metacarpals are the bones of the hand from the wrist extending to the fingers.

What connects the finger to the hand?

The bones in the finger are attached to the palm of the hand by various muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Which joint would you need more your elbow joint or ankle joint?

You will need your elbow joint more. Your hand and thumb with the fingers are what you use most of all. You can use a wheelchair if you need to, but there is no replacing the hand and therefore the arm.

The metacarpal-phalanx joint is what type of joint?

The phalanx-phalanx joint is a hinge joint.A hinge joint allows extension and retraction of an apendage.

What does the medical abbreviation mcp joint mean?

The medical abbreviation MCP joint stands for metacarpophalangeal joint, which is the joint between the metacarpal bones of the hand and the phalanges (fingers).

What joint connects the arm to the hand?

There are a couple that I can think of:1) Between the hand and the arm is the wrist, which is actually made of Radial-Carpal joints and intercarpal joints.2) The radioulnar joint, of which there are 2:1 - The distal radioulnar joint is formed between the head of the ulna and the ulnar notch on the distal radius2 - The proximal radioulnar joint may be considered part of the elbow, but is actually where the radial head articulates with the radial notch of the ulna.

What joint connects the sarcum with the upper verterbrae?

The lumbosacral joint connects L5-S1

5 f on your h?

5 fingers on your hand 5 fingers on your hand 5 fingers on your hand 5 fingers on your hand 5 fingers on your hand 5 fingers on your hand

Which type of joint connects your humerus to your shoulder?

A ball-and-socket joint (multiaxial) connects the two bones.

What are the finger bones called?

the bones in your fingers are callled phalanges. hope this answers your question.--The fingers are called phalanges. The bones which make up the fingers and hand are;Distal phalanx: bone at the end of a finger.Middle phalanx: small, middle bone of a finger.Proximal phalanx: small bone of a finger, closest to the palm of the hand.Phalanges: jointed segment of a finger.Metacarpal bones: bones of the hand between the carpals and the phalanges.Carpometacarpal joint (CM): joint of the carpus and metacarpus.Carpal bones: jointed parts of the hand between the forearm and the metacarpals.Thumb: the largest, shortest and most important of the digits of the hand.Metacarpophalangeal joint (MP): joint between the metacarpals and the phalanges.Interphalangeal joint (IP): joint between the first and second phalanges.Interphalangeal joint (IP): joint between the second and third phalanges.