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Q: What is the key idea that the author wants readers to understand from this text use evidence from the text to support your reasoning?
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How do you persuade readers to agree with you?

by presenting convincing evidence to support your opinion

Why might an author use logos to persuade readers?

An author might use logos to persuade readers by using logical reasoning, facts, data, and evidence to support their argument. This can help to build credibility, make a convincing case, and appeal to the readers' rational thinking.

Why do writers use evidence in their writing apex?

Writers use evidence in their writing to support their claims, arguments, or ideas. It adds credibility and persuasiveness to their work by showing that their assertions are grounded in fact, research, or data. Additionally, evidence helps readers better understand and engage with the writer's message.

What is the best proof to support a hard evidence?

Don't understand the question. Hard evidence IS the best proof.

What does support mean in literature?

textual evidence that helps your reader understand what you are trying to say

For what purpose would authors use evidence to support their claims?

Authors use evidence to support their claims in order to provide credibility to their arguments, demonstrate knowledge on the topic, and persuade or inform their readers. By backing up their claims with evidence, authors can strengthen their credibility and validate their viewpoints.

Can you substitute an analogy for other kinds of evidence to support points of an argument?

An analogy can be persuasive, or it can help people to understand your argument, but it isnt EVIDENCE.

Why does the author cite this information in the article?

The author cites information in the article to provide evidence, support their arguments, give credit to original sources, and strengthen the credibility of their work. It also helps readers to verify the facts and understand the background and context of the topic being discussed.

What structure and rhetorical style does the author use in the letter to the editor of the Daily News?

The author uses a persuasive structure, presenting a clear argument with supporting evidence and a strong conclusion. Rhetorically, they employ emotional appeal to evoke empathy and logical reasoning to support their points. The language is straightforward and direct, aiming to convince readers of their viewpoint.

How does Henry David Thoreau use logos in?

To build an argument that a government should represent the desires of its people

How do we support our analysis?

Support your analysis by providing evidence and data to back up your claims. Use credible sources and consider different perspectives to strengthen the validity of your analysis. Be thorough in your research and clearly explain the reasoning behind your conclusions.

What are evaluation claims?

Evaluation claims are statements that assess the quality, value, or effectiveness of something. They are used to provide opinions or judgments based on criteria or evidence. It is important to support evaluation claims with appropriate reasoning or evidence to make them more credible.