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Q: What is the kind of metal used to build ironman suit?
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Is iron mans suit made of copper?

Ironman's suit is not made of copper.

Who would win ironman vs magneto?

magneto, ironman is in a suite of METAL, magneto controls METAL!!!!! do the math!!!! is this supposed to be a joke? hahaha iron+magnet= attraction so Ironboy is massacred hi its ironmanfan99 improving the retard aboves answer tony has something in his suit so magnetos powers render usless

Is the ironman suit real?

Absolutely, and you can get one just like it at Wal-Mart.

How is ironman strong?

He uses advanced mechanics that use tiny pistons to help the suit be strong.

How do you make an ironman suit?

You take your fist and punch youself continously in the face till you are unconcious. And there you go :)

Why does ironman 2 have a triangle on his chest?

It is because it is the new Arc Reactor for the Ironman suit. The old one had palladium, which poisoned his blood. He then discovered a new element, which worked perfectly for the new reactor.

Who is stronger Batman or ironman?

Well as they are both great fighters I have to go with Ironman. Reason being is Iron has ton more suits, money, and resources. If you also notice Ironman's suit has a lot more durability. So Ironman wins this fight.

How does the ironman suit work?

if the bionic leg and arm works then why not the iron man suit? Yes this technology is years in the future but, it would work, if you had enough energy to power the suit and dumb test subject.

How can ironman fly?

Yes. He has repulsers built into his hands and feet (on the suit) to use as flight stabilizers and rocket boots.

How fast does the ironman suit fly?

It hints in the movie that it can fly Mach 1/ the speed of sound/ 800 mph.

Is the silver centrion suit in Iron Man 2?

parts of it are merged with the legendary briefcase armor in ironman 2

Who would win Iron Man or Gambit?

With gambits powers not being the most powerful it's my opinion that ironman would win, from a very long distance ironman could take him out. the only exception to this would be if gambit were to catch ironman without his suit on but the likely hood of gamit managing this is slim. i am a fan of both toons but it is ironman who would win this battle overall.