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Singular Term

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Q: What is the kind of term according to the extension?
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What is the definition of the word extension?

The term 'extension' is defined as to enlarge, prolong, or continue. If one was to receive an extension on a term paper, one would be given more time to complete it.

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What kind of extension cord can be used for outdoors?

normaly we can use water proof extension cord

What is extension in medical terms?

Extension in medical term means the action of stretching part of your body.

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What are the classification of idea?

Ideas can be classified into three main categories: abstract ideas (concepts or theories), concrete ideas (physical objects or actions), and creative ideas (innovative or imaginative concepts). Each classification represents a different type of thought or inspiration.

What the classification of ideas?

according to origin according to comprtehension according to extension according to relation according to perfection

What are the classifications of ideas in logic?

In logic, ideas are classified as either premises or conclusions. Premises are statements that provide the foundation for an argument, while conclusions are the statements that follow logically from the premises. Additionally, ideas can be classified as true or false based on their correspondence with reality.

What is absolute extension in logic?

the absolute extension of a term and concept is the sum total of the subjects of the actual subjects as well as the possible-whose quiddity (essence or nature) is signified by the term and concept.

What is the antonym for limitation?

extension or increase, according to Roget's