

What is the kiwi birds fur like?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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it is brown an not fluffy

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Q: What is the kiwi birds fur like?
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What is the name of a Kiwi's offspring?

Kiwi are birds and, like most birds, their offspring are simply known as "chicks".

Are kiwi birds marine birds?

No. Kiwi are not marine birds. Kiwi are terrestrial birds.

How many hairs on a kiwi?

There are no hairs on a kiwi. Kiwi are flightless birds endemic to New Zealand. As birds, they have feathers, like all birds do, although these feathers are hairlike in appearance.

Why is a kiwi like a bird?

A kiwi is a bird.Like all birds, it has feathers and lays eggs.

Does another bird look like the kiwi?

No. The kiwi is completely unique. The kiwi is a member of the group of flightless birds known as ratites, the other members of which are the ostrich, emu, rhea and cassowary. None of these birds look anything like the kiwi.

Does a kiwi have feathers?

Yes kiwi have feathers. However, their feathers lack the "hook and barb" system of flighted birds (which links all the "strands" of the feather together to keep them stiff and help with flight) so it looks more like fur (but isn't!). Patting a kiwi feels more like patting matted cat fur, the feathers are soft but the main shaft of the feather is a bit prickly feeling.

Are kiwi birds domestic?

No. Kiwi are wild birds.

What temperature do the kiwi birds like?

Mild Temeperture

Do birds in New Zealand have fur?

No. All birds have feathers, although they may not be as easily recognisable as the feathers of birds which can fly. The kiwi, for example, has wispy feathers that may appear to be fur, but are not.

Are kiwi fruits mammals?

Kiwi fruits are fruit. They are not animals. Kiwi Birds are birds, not mammals.

What bird that has fur can fly but not lay eggs?

no not one at all In fact, they have feathers which is made a similar material to fur and hair but it's not really fur. Young birds will typically have a down feather which is similar to fur but is a feather and will grow feathers when they grow up

What looks like a kiwi but is much smaller?

No other bird looks like the kiwi. Kiwi are completely unique, and the smallest members of the group of flightless birds known as ratites.