

What is the knife script on roblox?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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10y ago

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  1. me = game.Players.djface203
  2. char = me.Character
  3. selected = false
  4. attacking = false
  5. hurt = false
  6. grabbed = nil
  7. mode = "drop"
  8. bloodcolors = {"Really red", "Bright red"}
  9. function prop(part, parent, collide, tran, ref, x, y, z, color, anchor, form)
  10. part.Parent = parent
  11. part.formFactor = form
  12. part.CanCollide = collide
  13. part.Transparency = tran
  14. part.Reflectance = ref
  15. part.Size =,y,z)
  16. part.BrickColor =
  17. part.TopSurface = 0
  18. part.BottomSurface = 0
  19. part.Anchored = anchor
  20. part.Locked = true
  21. part:BreakJoints()
  22. end
  23. function weld(w, p, p1, a, b, c, x, y, z)
  24. w.Parent = p
  25. w.Part0 = p
  26. w.Part1 = p1
  27. w.C1 = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(a,b,c) *,y,z)
  28. end
  29. function mesh(mesh, parent, x, y, z, type)
  30. mesh.Parent = parent
  31. mesh.Scale =, y, z)
  32. mesh.MeshType = type
  33. end
  34. function remgui()
  35. for _,v in pairs(me.PlayerGui:GetChildren()) do
  36. if v.Name false
  37. orr.Part1 = knife
  38. ar.Part1 = nil
  39. end
  40. bin.Selected:connect(select)
  41. bin.Deselected:connect(desel)
  42. char.Humanoid.Died:connect(function()
  43. pcall(function()
  44. grabweld:remove()
  45. grabweld = nil
  46. grabbed = nil
  47. platlol = false
  48. platlol = nil
  49. end)
  50. end)
  51. inform("Grab script loaded succesfully.",2)
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10y ago
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