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The knights responsibility is to guard the master/mystress in the time of danger when a killer or asassin comes to the house.

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Q: What is the knight's responsibility in the manor?
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What were knights resposibilities?

A knight's responsibility was to protect a lord's manor. If they did not do that, they would participate in tournaments to earn money.

What is the knights duty on a manor?

The Knights had to protect everyone and all of the land.

What is the manor system?

The manor system is when knights allowed peasants to farm land on their large estates. In return, the peasants had to give the knights food or other payment.

How did the manor system operate?

The manor system protects serfs and merchants, that live in manor. Knights allowed peasants to farm land on their large estates. In return the peasants had to give the knights food, goods or other payment.

Where did knights sleep in a bed?

Knights usually slept in nice beds in the lords manor or estate

What responsibility did knights have?

in the3 middle ages knights responsibility was to make sure that the country was safe as well as the lord or king or queen.

What was the medieval knights house like?

Knights were nobles so they lived as nobles. They had manors, estates, or castles. --- Kinghts lived in manor houses. A simple manor house could be a large house on an estate. An expensive manor house could be almost palatial. There were fortified manor houses that looked very much like castles.

What was the same between serfs and knights?

They both served a lord and worked on the manor.

What does a manor for knights look like?

Knights were part of a kings army so they were in the Manor or castle of the king to whom they had given loyalty. A noble boy was sent to another noble at 7 to train for knighthood and at 21 he became a knight. Knights sometimes slept in the great halls or barracks were provided for them.

Where did knights live in castle?

In England the medieval knight lived in a manor house not in the castle. A number of farms supported one manor house. One manor house supported one knight. England had about 6,000 manor houses. It took a number of manors to support a castle. The baron living in the castle might also be a knight. The solders living in the castle were not generally knights.

Where did the knights live?

They lived in the manor house or the great hall.If they were special they might be given a room.

What do you put in the hole at black knights' fortress?

Cabbage from near the Dranor Manor. It must be from here.