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Q: What is the large dome shaped musclue that separates the lungs from the abdomen called?
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What muscle separates the thorax and abdomen and aids in breathing?

The muscle that separates the thorax and abdomen and aids in breathing is called the diaphragm. It is a dome-shaped muscle that contracts and relaxes to regulate the volume of the thoracic cavity, allowing for inhalation and exhalation.

What is a diaphragm?

A diaphragm is a muscular partition that is dome-shaped that separates the thorax from the abdomen in the mammals.

What is a boat-shaped abdomen?

A boat-shaped abdomen is another term for a scaphoid abdomen - a condition in which the abdomen's anterior wall is sunken and hollow.

What is the large domed shaped muscle that separates the lungs from the abdomen?

The large dome-shaped muscle (not an organ) that separates the thoracic (chest) cavity from the abdominal cavity and aids in breathing is the diaphragm. Actually fibromuscular, the diaphragm is the main muscle that we use to inflate our lungs. It forms a partition between the two cavities, and creates a 'seal'. It allows the lungs to expand so we can take in and expel air. It is part of both the muscular and respiratory systems.

What are the characteristics of the diaphragm?

a dome- shaped musculofibrous septum that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity

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What is the dome-shaped muscle that aids in breathing?

The muscle you are referring to is the diaphragm. It also separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominopelvic cavity.

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The is a muscular membrane that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity?

The diaphragm is a dome shaped muscular membrane that separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity. Its contraction and relaxation serves an important role in respiration.