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The question asks about the "following". In such circumstances would it be too much to expect that you make sure that there is something that is following?

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Q: What is the largest buyer of prescription drugs?
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Where does the largest percent of health care dollars get spent?

prescription drugs.

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Who is the largest buyer of oil in the world?

china is the largest buyer

What does the Constitution say about denying prescription drugs?

It says nothing about prescription drugs. There was no such thing as prescription drugs when the constitution of the United States was formed.

Is it Use of prescription drugs can never be considered abuse?

Prescription drugs are often misused.

Do people sell drugs on eBay?

Illegal drugs and prescription-only drugs cannot be sold on eBay. Non-prescription drugs are sometimes available.

What drugs are illegal in sport?

Any drug that requires a prescription (unless you have the a prescription) as well as illegal drugs.

What prescription drugs inhibit semen production?

Most prescription drugs are not known to affect the sperm production.

What drugs are tested for on parole?

All of them, but obviously they are looking speficially for illegal drugs. Prescription drugs will show up, and a prescription will be necessary to verify the reason for the presence of the drugs.

Why are prescription drugs bad?

Yes prescription drugs bad for you. They can make you sick and you can die from them. hope it was helpful, momygirl26

Is it legal to buy prescription drugs without a prescription online?

Yes. There are many websites that will allow you to get a prescription form a doctor online. HOWEVER, usually, they can only prescribe a subset of drugs (not all drugs can be prescribed online). Be careful who you go with as there are some online pharmacies that dispense fake drugs

What is a smart way to save money on prescription drugs?

You can save money on prescription drugs by getting a free prescription discount card. You can save 85% on your medication.