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It says nothing about prescription drugs. There was no such thing as prescription drugs when the constitution of the United States was formed.

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Q: What does the Constitution say about denying prescription drugs?
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Can prescription drugs help you drive safe?

ok well i would say yes but no

Do prescription drugs cure physical pain?

It would be more accurate to say that there are prescription drugs that can be used to treat pain. Since pain is a symptom and not a disease, it does not get cured, only treated. If you cure the disease, then you will also eliminate the pain caused by that disease.

Store that sell drugs the same meang of that?

If you're talking about prescription and medical drugs, then a pharmacy. Meaning: there really isn't any other way to say it besides the way in your question: "A store that makes and sells drugs prescribed by a doctor and sells other drugs for medical use which do not require a prescription." That's just about the long format.

Are all uses of drugs wrong?

This is more of an ethical question than anything else, because it all depends on your definition of "wrong". One could say that using drugs is against the law therefore being wrong, but there are many legal prescription and non-prescription drugs that are worse for you and have worse side effects than some illegal drugs that are out there. Also, i personally believe that the use of illegal drugs isn't necessarily wrong. It depends on the drug and the circumstance. If a person uses drugs to escape their problems, this is abuse and is wrong, because it doesn't solve their problems and can lead to addiction. However, if a person uses drugs recreationally, i.e. smoking weed with friends, drink at a party, etc. i don't believe this is really "wrong". People have free will, and if a person wants to do these things, and they aren't harming other people, there is no reason they should not be able to. In fact, denying them this choice is taking away their free will, and this is what is truly "wrong".

What is the percentage of children that use prescription drugs illegal?

The percentage of children who use prescription drugs illegally varies, but studies have shown that it can range from 5-10% depending on the age group and type of drug. It is important to note that any illegal use of prescription drugs among children is a concerning issue that can have serious consequences.

Losing Weight With Prescrption Drugs?

Can Prescription Drugs Help Me Lose WeightLosing weight can be a great challenge for some people. It requires much patience and motivation. Others want to lose weight by taking prescription drugs. You have to be very careful when you lose weight with this strategy. It can be successful for lots of people who have body issues that prevent them from dropping pounds. It it just important to keep in mind some of the dangers associated with using prescription drugs. When done the right way, this can be a solid weight loss strategy. When used wrongly, prescription drugs can do a number on your body.Who can benefit from using prescription drugs?There are some people who have legitimate problems losing weight. Perhaps they have a metabolism that has serious issues. Maybe they have a thyroid problem. These are the people who truly need to be using prescription drugs to lose weight. This is not to say that others will receive no benefit from using prescription drugs. Many individuals will experience a serious boost when they add this to their weight loss repertoire.Understanding the dangers of using prescription drugs to lose weightIt is worth noting that prescription drugs come with many potentially harmful side effects. One of those side effects is chemical dependency. Some drugs will hook the person who takes them. This can cause significant harm. People with addictive personalities should be especially careful when it comes to using these drugs. They will run into the greatest problems with dependency. Another thing to know is that no prescription drug should be used without the advice of a doctor. A physician can help you understand the best ways to lose weight.Adding a workout plan to any diet planMany people focus on their diet when they want to lose weight. It is likely that your exercise plan will be just as important to your weight loss effort. Whether you lose weight with prescription drugs or not, you need consistently hit the gym if you want to keep the pounds off. Try to come up with an exercise plan that gives you a steady routine. This will also help you recognize the value of the calories that you consume. When you add all of these things together, you can more effectively drop lots of weight in a hurry.

Can Canadian buy online drugs?

Yes, Canadian's can buy drugs online, but there is a catch. You CANNOT import drugs from OUTSIDE of Canada so make sure you buy from a Canadian Online Pharmacy. is a pharmacy that operates out of CANADA supplying mail-order medication to Canadians as well as the rest of the world. Remember, you DO need to submit a prescription! Be carefull NOT to get scamed with the many "canandian" pharamcies that are not really from Canada and say you don't need a prescription, those are simply ILLIGAL.

Can you take toradol with adderall?

There are no known interactions between Toradol (Ketorolac) and Adderall (amphetamine/Dexter amphetamine). This is not to say some sort of interaction can't occur. As both are prescription only drugs, your pharmacist will have notified you of this.

What is the difference between a drug user and a drug abuser?

A drug user uses drugs like pot, cocaine, heroine. A drug abuser gets high off of say...prescription drugs. They abuse the drugs they're allowed to have.Semantics aside, there are two primary issues that pertain to the question of whether a person uses or abuses drugs, and they both have sub-issues: 1) is the person taking the drug(s) for a legitimate reason(s) with a prescription(s), or 2) is the individual self-medicating on prescription pharmaceuticals or simply getting high or wasted on illicit drugs? The term "use" has somehow come to be synonymous with "abuse," which, of course, is a contradiction in terms. However, these days the more PC way to describe legitimate use of medicines, including cannabis when prescribed for various horrible afflictions that effect appetite and eyesight (among other things), is "taking" medicine.

How long does a written narcotic prescription last in Alabama?

Federal law provides that prescriptions for Schedule II drugs expire six months from the date written. There's no automatic expiration period for Schedule III-V drugs (and Schedule I drugs wouldn't be prescribed in the first place, as they by definition have no valid medical use). States are allowed to limit prescriptions further, but I don't believe that Alabama has done so. Also, no pharmacist is required to fill a prescription that he believes to be fraudulent or suspicious, so if you walk in with a low-dose codeine (Schedule III) prescription from, say, 2007, you can at the very least expect that he's going to make a call or two before filling it.

Essay on say no to drugs because.....?

drugs make u addicted on it.

How can you get rid of farts?

if you take drugs Maybe, but you don't say which drugs.