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Jubail and Yanbu

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Q: What is the largest city in Saudi Arabia to expand their non oil economy?
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What is the economy like in Saudi Arabia?

The economy of Saudi Arabia is dependent on oil and has strong government control over major economic activities. The Saudi economy is the largest in the Arab world. Saudi Arabia has the world's second-largest proven petroleum reserves and the country is the largest exporter of petroleum. It has also the fifth-largest proven natural gas reserves. Saudi Arabia is considered an "energy superpower". It has third highest total estimated value of natural resources, valued at US$34.4 trillion in 2016

What is Saudi arabias item of specilization?

Saudi Arabia is the world's largest producer of oil. It is the cornerstone of its economy. The USA is the largest customer of Saudi oil.

What is the GDP of Saudi Arabia?

The Gross Domestic Product or GDP of Saudi Arabia is $381.9 billion US Dollars (2007 IMF statistics). Saudi Arabia is the 25th largest economy in the world based on GDP.

Which is the largest desert in Saudi Arabia?

The Arabian Desert is the largest desert in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is the largest country in?

Saudi Arabia is the largest country on the Arabian Peninsula.

What is Saudi Arabia the largest country in?

Saudi Arabia is the largest country on the Arabian Peninsula.

What is significant about Saudi Arabia's economy?

Saudi Arabia has the most oil reserves in the world

Where is the largest stock of oil Saudi Arabia or Chilli?

Of course Saudi Arabia ...

Which is the largest state in terms of surface Saudi Arabia or Syria?

Saudi Arabia

What are Saudi Arabia's natural resorses?

Saudi Arabia has the world's largest oil reserves.

What is a large city in Saudi Arabia?

Riyadh is the capital and largest city of Saudi Arabia

What is Saudi Arabia's largest body of water?

There are no permanent bodies of water in Saudi Arabia.