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Strictly speaking 8 planets. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune.

The most found around a ExtraSolar star is 5 around the star 55 Cancri A.

The star is a yellow main sequence star of spectral type G8 V, with 0.95 solar masses and a diameter of 1.152 solar diameters.

It is actually in a binary system with 55 Cancri B which is a very small Red dwarf with 0.13 solar masses, 0.3 solar diameters and a separation of 1,000 AU.

The planets are :-

  • 55 Cancri Ae - Mass=0.034Mj - Semi Major Axis=0.038AU - Orbital Period=2.81705days - Eccentricity=0.07
  • 55 Cancri Ab - 0.824Mj - 0.115AU - 14.65162days - 0.014
  • 55 Cancri Ac - 0.169Mj - 0.240AU - 43.93days - 0.086
  • 55 Cancri Af - 0.144Mj - 0.781AU - 260days - 0.2
  • 55 Cancri Ad - 3.835Mj - 5.77AU - 5218days - 0.025

Just a small note the planets are named according to when they were discovered and follow the internationally recognised format of the star name followed by the lower case b for the 1st found, lower case c for the 2nd and so on.

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