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Q: What is the last chamber blood enters before going to the body?
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Where is the blood going through the pulmonary vein going?

All veins carry blood back to the heart. Pulmonary means associated with the lungs. So the pulmonary vein carries blood from the lungs back to the heart. This blood is oxygenated and enters the heart in the chamber called the left atrium.All other veins in the body carry deoxygenated blood, and this can lead to confusion.

What is th function of the left ventricle?

The left ventricle is where the blood that is oxygenated is pumped from into the aorta. The atrium is the above the left ventricle, and the bicuspid valve (which controls blood flow) has a place where there is a more controlled amount of blood going into the aorta.

Which chamber of the heart sends oxygenated blood to systemic circulation when it contracts?

Deoxiginated blood returning to the heart from the systemic circuit first enters the right atrium. Oxigenated blood going away from the heart goes through the pulmonary veins, enters the left atrium, goes through the left ventrical, and exits through the aorta. Just don't forget the three major parts of the circulatory system (( the lungs (pulmonary), the heart (coronary), and the rest of the system (systemic))) and keep in mind of their differences. Keep on at it and study hard!

Where is the blood going when it leaves each heart chamber?

right atria to right ventricle to the lungs to add oxygen to the blood then to the left atria to the left ventricle and then to the body

How much blood can a dog loose before going into hemorragic shock?

50% of its blood

Does Triple H return to the WWE before WrestleMania?

yes because he is going to be at wwe elimination chamber or just after it

How come people had to undress before going into a gas chamber?

If the clothing had anything of use left, it was recycled (often as rags).

Why can't the AV and sl valves be open at same time?

The blood in the heart moved from one chamber to another chamber. If the AV ( artrio-ventricular valve) and SL ( semilunar valve) open at the same time, the blood will not be able to circulate and can flow backward. Thus the valves are there to stop the back-flow of blood and keep the circulation going.

Why does the blood go to the heart before going to the lungs?

The heart is a pump that moves all blood in the body.

Who is going to win the elimination chamber?

Randy Orton will win the Elimination Chamber!!(:

How do you warm up before going to gym?

you can warm up by jogging a few laps and stretch before working out it will get your blood going and loosen you up.

What keeps the blood from flowing back into a chamber of the heart?

A specific chamber? It's valves and each one has a different name. I'll list the chamber and the valve which stops 'backflow':- Right Atrium: Tricuspid valve Right Ventricle: Pulmonary valve Left Atrium: Mitral valve Left Ventricle: Aortic valve The valves basically open when the relevant chamber is pumped but when pressure goes back towards the chamber they snap shut, stopping blood from going back through the heart/circulatory system.