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In most pill brands, that last row is only there to remind you to take the pill every day. In a few brands, there are vitamins in them. You don't have to eat them.

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Q: What is the last row of pills do for you when you have you period?
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Are the white pills taken when you have your periods?

no, take it before and you won't have your period the first three rows of pills have hormones in them that will regulate your period..the last row is actually only sugar pills and you are supposed to have your period on those pills. However, you can get pregnant on the pill if not taken exactly how you are supposed to.

How do you skip your period on ortho tri-cyclen?

After taking your three weeks of active pills, just skip the sugar pills in the last row and go directly into a new pack. You take 6 rows of active pills (all the active pills from 2 packs) and skip the period you would have gotten on the sugar pills

Can you skip sugar pills two months in a row?

Yes, you can skip the sugar pills multiple months in a row. I always skip my sugar pills for three months. Women don't actually need to have their period as often as we do.

When should you expect your next period if you started your pills on the first day of your period and you've used 3 weeks of pills and are currently on the last day of your sugar pills?

You should expect your period to arrive on or before the last day of the sugar pills. But sometimes you can arrive the next week after your sugar pills. It takes a while for BCP to get used to your body. This could be why you havent gotten your period.

If you start the pill on the first day of your period when you have finished that pack do you immediately start the next one?

If you have finished with the pills and the faux pills, had your period, then you start the new set of pills after the last day of your period.

What is sugar pill days?

The last pills in your birth control pack do NOT have actual medication in them. They're only there to keep you in the habit of taking a pill every day. You will get your regular period on the days you are taking the inactive/sugar pills. Brands vary, but most 28-day packs have 7 sugar pills in the last row. They should be clearly marked as such, and are always a different color than the active pills.

Do you get your period on birth control?

No, you don't get your period on [hormonal] birth control.Hormonal birth control works by stopping your menstrual cycles so that you don't ovulate, and as you don't ovulate you also don't menstruate. The bleeding women experience on hormonal birth control such as the pill is a withdrawal bleed caused by a drop in synthetic hormones when going from active to inactive pills. Withdrawal bleeds are meant to mimic menstruation but they're not the same.

In your birth control package on the last row the first two pills are a light blue and the last five are dark blue what does that mean?

the dark blue ones mean your period is coming, or arrives with the start of the 1st dark blue pill. they have no estrogen in them.

Is it normal to start your period on the last two days of the sugar pills and go into the hormone pills?

Hi :-) Yes, this is normal. There is no time limit for when you start your period during the sugar pills. As long as you start your period during the seven day worth of sugar pills then this is normal.

I took my last pill today and came on your period is that normal?

This is normal with birth control. You will have a period anytime within the 7 days of the last pills.

When taking birth control pills how do you change your period?

If you skip the last week (sugar pills) and go straight to a new pack of pills you should skip your period. I did this once on vacation and haven't had any problems since!

What does it mean if you usually start your period on the day you start your sugar pills but your last period didn't start until 4 days into sugar pills?

This sometimes happens with birth control.