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Q: What is the latin name for Egypt?
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What is Egypt in Latin?

Proper nouns cannot be translated. For example, my name is Britain no matter where I go. My friend's name is Carlos no matter where he goes. Egypt is Egypt.

What was Egypt called after Cleopatra and Marc Antony died?

Egypt kept its name after the deaths of Antony and Cleopatra. It was still called Egypt or "Aegyptus" in Latin.Egypt kept its name after the deaths of Antony and Cleopatra. It was still called Egypt or "Aegyptus" in Latin.Egypt kept its name after the deaths of Antony and Cleopatra. It was still called Egypt or "Aegyptus" in Latin.Egypt kept its name after the deaths of Antony and Cleopatra. It was still called Egypt or "Aegyptus" in Latin.Egypt kept its name after the deaths of Antony and Cleopatra. It was still called Egypt or "Aegyptus" in Latin.Egypt kept its name after the deaths of Antony and Cleopatra. It was still called Egypt or "Aegyptus" in Latin.Egypt kept its name after the deaths of Antony and Cleopatra. It was still called Egypt or "Aegyptus" in Latin.Egypt kept its name after the deaths of Antony and Cleopatra. It was still called Egypt or "Aegyptus" in Latin.Egypt kept its name after the deaths of Antony and Cleopatra. It was still called Egypt or "Aegyptus" in Latin.

What is the Egypt of Latin America?


What was the language in ancent Egypt?

geek and latin.

Is Suez Canal in Latin America?

No, it's in Egypt.

Does Egypt comes under Latin America or North America?

Egypt is quarter way around the globe from both Latin and North America. It is located in north Africa.

What was kens Egypt name in the Egypt game book?

his egypt name was kye

What is the full name for egypt?

The complete name for Egypt is the Arab Republic of Egypt. There is no other name for the country.

What is Hermes's latin name?

Hermes' Latin name was mercury.

What is anise?

Anise is an umbelliferous plant which grows naturally in Egypt - Latin name Pimpinella anisum - cultivated in Spain and Malta for its aromatic seeds, and used as a spice.

What is the latin name for vanadium?

The Latin name for vanadium is Vanadium.

What is latin name of xenon?

There is not a widely recognised Latin name.