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Q: What is the latitude for the Netherlands?
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What is the latitude of curacao?

Curacao, Netherlands Antilles is located at approximately 12 degrees, 13 minutes north latitude.

Where is 52 n degrees latitude and 5 e longitude?

Ingenieur F.E.D. van Enschedeweg 2, 3411 MA Lopik, Netherlands.

What is 55 north latitude 5 east longitude?

The North Sea, between England & Scotland to the west, and Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark and Norway to the east.

What sea is 55 north latitude 5 east longitude?

The North Sea, between England & Scotland to the west, and Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark and Norway to the east.

What city is latitude 52N longitude 5E?

52 N 5 E is Ingenieur F.E.D. van Enschedeweg, 3405 Benschop, Netherlands .The nearest city appears to be Utrecht, 52.0907° N, 5.1214° E

What is co-latitude and latitude?

Latitude is the measurement of degrees from the equator to the pole so that the pole has a latitude of 90 degrees. Co-latitude is the measurement of degrees from the pole to the equator so that the equator has a latitude of 90 degrees. Also the sum of latitude and co-latitude is always 90 degrees.

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What is the difference between latitude and lines of latitude?

A line of latitude is the line of latitude shown on a map, usually representing 10 degrees latitude. Degrees of latitude are simply the number of degrees, such as 33.33 etc.

What is the reference line when determining the latitude?

The equator is zero latitude.

What European countries are sometimes called Benelux?

Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.

What is the name for a line of latitude?

'Lines' of latitude are often called 'parallels' of latitude.

What is the line of latitude that is zero degrees latitude is the?

Zero degrees of latitude is the Equator.