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Q: What is the law for an underage driver sitting in the drivers seat of a car that is being towed?
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Can I take my drivers test in my parents without me being on the insurance?

No, you will need to be added to their policy if you're underage. You're required to be an insured driver any time you're operating a motor vehicle. If you're driving and hit something/someone, your parents insurance will exclude you unless their policy includes probationary drivers.

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I'd be more worried about being an unlicensed/underage driver than the fine for speeding. If you are not a legal driver, you will not be able to simply pay the fine and avoid court.

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Insurance Surchargesa Surcharge is somthing you are being charged extra for because of a specific reason or risk... such as a Surcharge for underage drivers, or a surcharge for a Wood Burning stove... they burn alot of houses you know... ya.. so its just an extra charge they give you to insure you. Here are some examples on Auto Insurance PolicesUndisclosed Household Drivers SurchargeUndisclosed Tickets SurchageYoung Driver SurchargeInexperienced Driver SurchargeHigh Risk Driver SurchargeHigh Risk Vehicle SurchargeModified Vehicle SurchargeHappy Motoring

What is the penalty for being at an underage drinking party in Massachusetts but not drinking yourself?

In most states, the penalty is the same as if the person were drinking. This is true even if the person is a designated driver.

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Currently, no Nascar driver has openly admitted to being gay or bisexual.

Can you get your drivers license taken away if you are a drunk passenger underage?

As long as you were not in control of the vehicle at the time, you can't have your driving privilege taken away but you can certainly be subject to being charged with other offenses.

What is the law for a disqualified driver sitting in the driver's seat of a car being towed by another car?

I don't know. But my guess is that this is seriously against the law, and it makes no difference what the status of the 'rider' is.

What happens if an insured driver hits a driver who is not insured on the cars policy?

Well you see, it is for this very purpose that car insurance is required by law; it is unfair on the rest of the insured drivers if some drivers are not covered. so, basically, you wouldn't be paid out for damages unless your insurance company or broker covers you for being hit by uninsured drivers.

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Being a cab driver can get very tiring, and dangerous. There are many cab drivers who lose money. But, many people still want to have that kind of job. To find cab jobs in London can be easy, most of the apps are with the cab drivers.

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People who can drive city buses as designated drivers are people who are licensed to drive city buses and have the position of being the designated driver of the aforementioned bus.

What are the circumstances in which an underage student who isn't drinking can get in trouble for being around alcohol?

In most states, a underage person cannot be at a party where alcohol is being served. This goes for anyone who is drinking or not.

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