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Q: What is the leading causes of fire related deaths?
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What causes the majority of fire-related deaths?

Smoke inhalation of gasses produced by the fire.

Which of these is the leading cause of fire-related deaths?

The leading cause of fire-related deaths is typically due to smoke inhalation rather than burns themselves. Smoke can be more dangerous than the fire itself because it can contain toxic gases and reduce oxygen levels in the air.

What causes the majority of fire- related deaths?

The majority of fire-related deaths are caused by smoke inhalation rather than burns. Smoke can incapacitate and kill a person quickly, often before flames reach them. It contains toxic gases and particles that can lead to respiratory distress and asphyxiation.

What is the leading cause of home fire deaths?

Cooking equipment is the leading cause of home fire deaths. It's important to never leave cooking food unattended and to have working smoke alarms in your home to help prevent fires.

What percentage of home electric fire-related deaths are caused by cords and plugs?


Deaths occurred in the great fire of London?

While only six deaths were known to have occurred, it is likely that there were other unconfirmed deaths during the Great Fire of London.

How many people a year commit arson?

In 2008, 30,500 cases of arson were reported to the United States Fire Association leading to 315 deaths and $866 million dollars of damage.

What causes a 3000gt to miss fire?

Miss fire on any car is usually ignition related. Checking the spark plugs & wires is a good start.

What causes forestfires?

Forest Fires can be caused by two things. 1) a camp fire that didn't light properly which led fire to spread onto grass leading it to light up trees which as we all know causes a forest fire. 2) the heat could be very intense causing the trees to catch on fire... hope this helped :)

What is the most number of deaths caused by a fire?

The most amount of deaths by a single busfire is 1

How did people die in Vietnam?

US deaths by small arms fire were 31.8 percent of the total. US deaths by multiple fragmentation wounds (booby traps, mines) 27.4 %. US deaths by aircraft crashes were 14.7 percent. US deaths by artillery or rocket fire were 8.4 percent. US deaths by accident, vehicle crash or unknown were 9.8 percent. US deaths by friendly fire were 2.3 percent. US deaths by drowning and burns were 2.0 percent and the balance by illness, heart attack, suicide or stroke.

How did the Chicago fire stand out in history?

The fire stood out less for the deaths and destruction than for the rapid recovery.