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Louisiana black bear

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Q: What is the leading fur producing animal in Louisiana?
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Related questions

What is a fur producing weasel?

Fur producing weasel in the Fur family - Mustelidae are badger, ermine, fisher, fitch (ferret) marten, mink, otter, sable

What are two distinguishing characteristics unique to mammals?

One would be producing milk... The other is fur

Which animal has the most fur?

the animal that has the most fur is a polar bear

What animal has fur?

Mammals have fur.

What animal has purple colored fur?

There is no real, existing animal with purple fur.

What animal is bassarisk fur?

red panda(which is a fox) is bassarisk fur animal.

Are animal print bags made with real fur?

Most animal print bags are made of the skin of the animal. That's why they are called animal print. But animal bags made with fur are usually made with Faux fur.

How do you soften the fur of a matted stuffed animal?

To soften matted fur of a stuffed animal rub the fur with a damp wash cloth.

Where is fur mostly found in Louisiana?

small aquatic mammals

Why is animal fur popular?

Animal Fur is popular because you can make things like clothes,bags,hats out of it and it costs quite alot of money and depending on what animal the fur is from says how much it would be. Take a endangered animal for example the fur from that would cost more because its a rare animal.

Why shouldn't humans use animal fur?

because using animal's fur is cruel and ur killing them

What is it called when a animal loses there fur by adaptation?

It is called loss of fur or fur loss