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There is no real, existing animal with purple fur.

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Q: What animal has purple colored fur?
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What type of animal buries purple eggs underground?

There is not an animal that buries purple-colored eggs in the ground.Ducks are one of the only animals that can lay purple-colored eggs.They do not bury them though.

What Minnesota animal has purple colored poop?

The Minnesota animal that has purple-colored feces is any animal that has a rich diet of grape jelly or eats blueberries. Both black bears and orioles fall into this category.

Why do a lot of animals in the desert have very light colored fur?

the animal has white/light coloured fur because it helps them to kinda reflect the sun.. it also helps with camoflage

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Yes. You can use purple shampoo On a brassy colored dog.

Do cats come in purple?

No, purple fur does not naturally occur in cats.

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Sableye is a Dark and Ghost type Pokemon. Its name may come from 'sable' which is often used to describe an animal's dark colored fur.

Is there a blackberry blackberry or a blackberry purple?

no there isn't, there is a purple colored blackberry but no blackberry purple or blackberry blackberryobviously

Which animal has the most fur?

the animal that has the most fur is a polar bear

What animal has fur?

Mammals have fur.

What is a Pokemon with blonde and purple fur?


What is the uncommon colored eye?

Purple, and yes, there are people (Very few!) with purple eyes.