

What is the least amount of babies a hamster can have?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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the least amount would be 3

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Q: What is the least amount of babies a hamster can have?
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o :)

How do you breed the hamster babies?

You don't breed hamster babies until there at least 1 year old

What is the least amount of babies a rat will have?

The least amount of Babies to be born is of course one

How many babies are in one hamster litter?

At least 5 or more.

How soon after the hamster has given birth can you clean the house with the babies in?

Once the babies have become independent and are not feeding off the mother. If you handle the babies or put your scent in the cage before this time, the mother will eat the babies.

How long does it take for a hamster to make babies?

about a week.......if not it will be in a short amount of time

How long before you can touch the hamster's babies?

You can touch them as much as you like when they are AT LEAST three weeks old.

How do you know if the hamster has delivered all her babies?

when they don't move for at least 24 hours.

How many babies can a have at once?

A hamster can have up to 16 babies at once but the average hamster has about 3-10 babies

Can hamsters have theeresomes?

If you are asking can a hamster have triplets, then the answer is yes. The average litter for a hamster is anywhere around 2 to 5 babies, but some hamsters have had more than twenty babies. However, how many babies your hamster has can vary from hamster to hamster.

Can you Make hamster have babies?

No. You cant make a hamster have babies because it must have a male hamster with a girl hamster and the male hamster might not get the girl pregnant so just roll with it.

Should I buy your dwarf hamster a hamster friend or not?

They might cause a fight, if same gender, If not the same gender, the they will (most likely) have babies, and when a female hamster has babies, you have to help the babies come out. And if you touch the hamster babies AT ALL, the mother will eat them. I don't recommend buying another hamster.