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The least possible is no iterations:

for (x=0; x<max; ++x) {

// ...


In the above example, if max is less than or equal to zero then the body of the loop will not execute.

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The details MAY depend on the programming language; in Visual FoxPro, I wrote a test loop as follows:FOR i = 1 TO 0


Since in this language the default increment is +1, the loop runs zero times.

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Q: What is the least possible number of iterations for a for loop?
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What is definite loop?

Definite interations: Repeated sequence of calculations/ operations for a fixed number of repetitions. (Do or For loop) Indefinite iteration: no set limit on iterations, generally "while" loops. multiple interations is the same as multiple repetitions or trials.

Difference between deterministic and nondeterministic loop?

Deterministic and non-deterministic loops A deterministic loop is predictable. The number of iterations of such a loop are known in advance, even before the loop has started. Most counting loops are deterministic. Before they start, we can say how many times they will execute. A non-deterministic loop is not easily predicted. A loop that is driven by the response of a user is not deterministic, because we cannot predict the response of the user. Non-deterministic loops usually are controlled by a boolean and the number of iterations is not known in advance.

Difference between fixed loop and variable loop?

Fixed loop: this is the loop where the number of iterations are known. Variable loop: Here the number of iterations are not known Example for a variable loop. The pseudocode for variable whille loop begin character cchoice display"enter the choice" accept cchoice while(cchoice='y') begin //execute the statements end end Rkarthikeyan

How can you use for loop when the number of iterations are not known?

It doesn't matter if you know the number of iterations or not, the for-loop is the same. Here is an example:for (leave= 0; ! leave; ) {/* read from file, on EOF set leave= 1; */}Yes. The for loop is not constrained to be used for simple counting tasks. You can, for example, have the control variable be a pointer an walk it through a tree. All you need to know is that the loop expression is executed at the end, followed by the test expression. Nothing in the spec says these have to be integer counting variables.

What does a count-controlled loop mean in programming?

A condition-controlled loop is one that has an indefinite number of iterations; its opposite is the count-controlled loop. Condition-controlled loops execute until some event occurs, which is usually user-initiated. For example, modern programs run an condition-controlled loop similar to the following: while(GetMessage(message,hwnd,0,0)) { ... } This loop continues to execute until there are no messages left (the WM_QUIT message is returned, which has a value of zero). It is impossible to identify before execution the number of times such a loop will run, except during controlled tests, although you can easily identify what conditions will cause it to terminate.

Related questions

How do you calculate loop length?

the multiplication of the number of iterations with the number of statements in that loop is equal to loop length.

What is definite loop?

Definite interations: Repeated sequence of calculations/ operations for a fixed number of repetitions. (Do or For loop) Indefinite iteration: no set limit on iterations, generally "while" loops. multiple interations is the same as multiple repetitions or trials.

What are the differences between iterations and loops in progamming?

A loop will loop for n iterations. Each times the program executes the code in the loop is an iteration.

Difference between deterministic and nondeterministic loop?

Deterministic and non-deterministic loops A deterministic loop is predictable. The number of iterations of such a loop are known in advance, even before the loop has started. Most counting loops are deterministic. Before they start, we can say how many times they will execute. A non-deterministic loop is not easily predicted. A loop that is driven by the response of a user is not deterministic, because we cannot predict the response of the user. Non-deterministic loops usually are controlled by a boolean and the number of iterations is not known in advance.

Difference between fixed loop and variable loop?

Fixed loop: this is the loop where the number of iterations are known. Variable loop: Here the number of iterations are not known Example for a variable loop. The pseudocode for variable whille loop begin character cchoice display"enter the choice" accept cchoice while(cchoice='y') begin //execute the statements end end Rkarthikeyan

How can you use for loop when the number of iterations are not known?

It doesn't matter if you know the number of iterations or not, the for-loop is the same. Here is an example:for (leave= 0; ! leave; ) {/* read from file, on EOF set leave= 1; */}Yes. The for loop is not constrained to be used for simple counting tasks. You can, for example, have the control variable be a pointer an walk it through a tree. All you need to know is that the loop expression is executed at the end, followed by the test expression. Nothing in the spec says these have to be integer counting variables.

What does a count-controlled loop mean in programming?

A condition-controlled loop is one that has an indefinite number of iterations; its opposite is the count-controlled loop. Condition-controlled loops execute until some event occurs, which is usually user-initiated. For example, modern programs run an condition-controlled loop similar to the following: while(GetMessage(message,hwnd,0,0)) { ... } This loop continues to execute until there are no messages left (the WM_QUIT message is returned, which has a value of zero). It is impossible to identify before execution the number of times such a loop will run, except during controlled tests, although you can easily identify what conditions will cause it to terminate.

What is iterations in c language?

An iteration is an instance of a structured loop statement (for, while or do-while).

What is a sentinel controlled repetition?

A sentinel-controlled repetition is a loop structure where the continuation of the loop is determined by a special condition called a sentinel value. When the sentinel value is encountered, it signals the end of the loop. This allows the loop to run until a specific condition is met, rather than for a predetermined number of iterations.

What is the best iteration loop and why?

There is no best loop. All the loops have some special functionality which when used properly will provide great results. Here's my opinion on the three loops:for and while loop:These are entry controlled loops. In case of a for loop; initialization, condition and increment/decrement is done together inside the parenthesis. For loops are best suited for purposed where the number of iterations are fixed. In case of a while loop; initialization, condition and increment/decrement are done separately. These are best suited for purposed where the number of iterations are loop:This is an exit controlled loop. Hence it is best suited for purposed where you want a set of statements to be executed despite the loop condition being false.

Explain the difference between for and while loop and give the suitable examples in c plus plus?

There is no actual difference; a for loop is just syntactic sugar for a while loop. Which you use depends largely upon which makes the most sense within the context of your source code. The for loop is clearly more flexible, but you will generally use a for loop whenever the number of iterations is known in advance, such as when counting iterations, whereas while loops are generally used whenever the number of iterations is unknown or infinite. Regardless, this has no effect on the efficiency of your code (the machine code maps almost directly, 1-to-1, with a while loop), it's just a question of which makes your code easier to read. One useful property of a for loop is that you can declare and initialise a control variable in the initial expression. This renders the control variable local to the loop, which is something you cannot achieve with a while loop. This has no effect on the resultant machine code, but by scoping variables within a for loop you automatically enlist the help of the compiler to eliminate bugs. It should be noted that the do-while loop is similar to a while loop, except that a do-while loop always executes its statements at least once, because the conditional expression is evaluated at the end of each iteration, rather than before each iteration as it is with a while loop. Again, a for loop can be used to achieve a do-while loop, however the do-while loop maps closely with the resultant machine code, and is generally much easier to read.

How can you define null statement in loop in C programming?

If you are using for loop for(;;); or you can also define condition and iterations but the loop has to close there itself without any statement inside it. In the similar way you can define while and do while loop without any statement.