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Q: What is the left center stage?
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Name the parts of a stage in 1600?

downstage: downstage left, downstage center, and downstage right center stage: center left, center stage, and center right upstage: upstage left, upstage center, and upstage right

What is stage geography in drama?

The different spots on a stage such as up stage left or right center stage

What are the different stage direction of drama?

center left center right upstage right upstage left downsatge left downstage right centeral

What are the parts of stage in a drama or play?

Downstage Right, Downstage Center, Downstage Left, Upstage Right, Upstage Center, Upstage Left

What are the different position on a stage?

upper right,upper right center,upper center.upper left center.upper left. right,right center,center,left center,left. down right,down right center,down center,down left center,down left. hope this helps u

What is stage center?

Center of the stage

According to stage directions stage left is who's stage?

Stage Left is the actors left as when he is facing the audience on Stage

What side of the stage does Eddie van halen stand on?

When facing the stage from the audience, Wolf is on your left, Roth is center, Al is behind Roth, and Ed is on your right.

What is stage left?

Stage Left is the left side of the stage from the Actor's perspective. Conversely, Audience Right (from the audience's perspective) is the same side of the stage as Stage Left.

What do stage left and stage right refer to?

If you stand on the stage facing the audience, your left is stage left and your right is stage right. Conversely, standing in the audience and looking at the stage, your left is house left and right is house right.

What are stage left and stage right?

Stage left and stage right are intructions when acting. Stage right is the actors' right, facing the audience, and stage left is the actors' left, facing the audience.

When was Portland Center Stage created?

Portland Center Stage was created in 1988.