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It will still be Foreskin.

Possibly a latin name for it as well, but that is for another to answer.


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Q: What is the left over skin from a circumcision called?
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What is circumsize mean?

Circumcision is when you remove skin from genitalia. On the men the foreskin and on the women parts of the vulva or all of it. Female circumcision isn't called circumcision anymore but female mutilation since that is what it is. It's more extensive then it is on men and more damaging. More here:

Can you take left over skin from abdominoplasty and use it for breast implants?

No, if the left over skin was implanted into the body it would not survive.

Do girls get circumsized?

No, circumcision is the removal of the foreskin of a penis. I suppose if someone removed the "hood" of skin over the clitoris on a female, that would be considered circumcision. That may be done in some countries and cultures, but not in USA.

Is it normal for the skin around your penis to get tight when you get erect?

This is called phimosis, where the skin of the foreskin becomes tight and sometimes painful. It can be alleviated by gentle stretching and if this does not help, surgery or circumcision can be indicated.

Why the for skin is remaning when 30 year old men want circumcision?

If any foreskin remains, it's a partial circumcision.

When skin grows together after circumcision?

The closest to that would be "skin bridges" and you need to see a doctor for that.

Which skin does a circumcision remove?

The loose skin that covers the glans and also salt, urea and uric acid.

Circumcision done one week but skin is not retracted?

Talk to the surgeon about it.

You are 13 and have no foreskin?

If you don't have foreskin that means you have been circumcised. Circumcision is a surgery during which part of the skin of the penis, called the foreskin, is cut off of the rest of the penis. After circumcision the head of the penis is always exposed since there is no foreskin left to cover it. Foreskin does not grow back after it has been cut off. Most circumcisions are performed when boys are only a few days old, which is why you don't remember it.

Which layer of skin is true skin?

The dermis is often called the true skin. It has a layer over it called the epidermis and one below it that has a lot of fat cells. That is called the subcutaneous layer. (cutaneous means skin).

What do you call the incision in circumcision?

Circumcision always requires an incision as it is a surgical removal of part of the skin of the penis. The type of incision used depends on the surgical technique being used.

Is it ok if skin is attached to glans after circumcision?

If after a circumcision any skin adheres to the glans (head) of the penis this is a serious complication that can permanently affect the penis. You should promptly seek medical attention to avoid further damage to the penis by having these attachments treated. Sometimes, skin from the shaft of the penis can become attached to the glans (head) following circumcision. This complication of circumcision is known as skin bridges. It is very important to seek medical attention promptly if you notice this condition. They will not go away on their own, and failure to have this condition treated promptly can result in life long damage to the penis in terms of its appearence, structure, and function.