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Q: What is the left temporal periventricular white matter?
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The lobe which enables you to understand language?

The temporal lobe is primarily responsible for processing language comprehension. This lobe is located on the sides of the brain, near the ears, and plays a crucial role in understanding spoken and written language. It also helps with memory and processing auditory information.

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i would have said no. but in the yin yang the black is on the left and white is on the right

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The right temporal lobe is on the right half of the brain near the Sagittal plane that divides left and right cerebral hemispheres.

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What the brain has?

The brain comprises left and right hemisheres. Each of which has a cortex (grey matter) and white fibre tracts (white matter). The hemispheres share common midbrain and brainstem components and also a cerebellum.

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What part of the brain is responsible for learning?

The hippocampus and prefrontal cortex are key brain regions for learning and memory. The hippocampus helps with forming new memories, while the prefrontal cortex plays a role in decision-making, attention, and problem-solving, all of which are important for learning.

Does Projection fibers in the brain mainly connect the right and left hemispheres?

No, They connect the white matter of the cerebrum with parts outside of it

Broca's area is located in the?

Left temporal.