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Left to right are columns: rows go up to down!

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Q: What is the left to right rows on the period table called?
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Which direction do periods go on the periodic table?

Periods in the periodic table go horizontally from left to right. Each period represents the number of electron shells an atom has.

What is a row in a the periodic table called?

A row of the periodic table is known as a period.Related Information:Across a period, you can see how the electrons fill the energy levels from the s sub-level to the p sub-level. The highest-filled energy levels correspond to the row, or period, number. Down a group, you can see how many valence electrons are present in the atoms of each element.

Does electronegativity increases or decreases as you move left to right across a period on the periodic table?

Electronegativity generally increases as you move left to right across a period on the periodic table. This is because the effective nuclear charge increases, pulling electrons closer to the nucleus and making it easier for the atom to attract electrons.

What are horizontal rows of elements in the periodic table?

Horizontal rows of elements in the periodic table are called periods. Each period represents a different energy level, with elements in the same period having the same number of electron shells. Periods are arranged in numerical order from left to right on the periodic table.

The number of electrons in an atom decreases as you move from left to right in the periodic table?

This is not accurate. The number of electrons in an atom does not decrease as you move from left to right in the periodic table. The number of electrons increases across a period, as you move from left to right, based on the atomic number.

Related questions

The row of elements going left to right on the periodic table is called?

This row of chemical elements is a "period".

What direction is a column in the periodic table?

A column, also called group, is a vertical line on the periodic table.

What happens to the reactivity of left to right across the periodic table?

Across a period, as we move from left to right, the electronegativity increases in the periodic table.

How does the reactivity of each group of metals change across the table left to right?

Reactivity of metals decreases from left to right in the specific period of theperiodic table.

How does the reactivity of each group of metal of change across the table from left to right?

Reactivity of metals decreases from left to right in the specific period of theperiodic table.

How does the reactivity of each group of metals change across the table from right to left?

Reactivity of metals decreases from left to right in the specific period of theperiodic table.

What is the reactivity called when you move from left to right on the periodic table?

it moves from left to right

What is the trend from left to right for atomic mass on the periodic table?

The atomic weight (not mass) increase from left to right in a period.

What is the term for a row of elements going from left to right on the periodic table?


Moving across a period on the periodic table from left to right?

ionization energy

What are the elecronegativity trends seen in the periodic table?

On the Periodic Table of elements, electronegativity increases as you move left to right across a period.

Which characteristics both generally decrease in period three from left to right?

Atomic radii decreases from left to right in the periodic table