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Electronegativity increases to the right across a period and up a group.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Left to right and up is an increase in electronegative force.

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Q: Does electronegativity increases or decreases as you move left to right across a period on the periodic table?
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How does electronegative change going down and across the periodic table?

Electronegativity increases across (left to right) the periodic table and decreases on going down.

What are the elecronegativity trends seen in the periodic table?

On the Periodic Table of elements, electronegativity increases as you move left to right across a period.

As you move across a period of a periodic table from left to right what happens to the elements electronegativity?

it decreases

What is the periodic trend for elctronegativity?

Going down a group...electronegativity decreases Going across...electronegativity increases

What is period trend for electronegativity?

As you move from left to right across the Periodic Table, electronegativity increases, and as you move down the table electronegativity decreases.

What is the period trend for electronegativity?

As you move from left to right across the periodic table, electronegativity increases, and as you move down the table electronegativity decreases.

How does electronegativity increase or decrease in modern periodic table?

Electronegativity increases from left to right across a period and decreases down a group.

What happens to the pull on the electrons in the Periodic Table?

I guess by pull of electrons you mean electronegativity. Electronegativity increases across a period and decreases down a group.

State the definition and trend for electronegativity?

Electronegativity is the ability for an atom to attract electrons. It is expressed in numeric values in Paulings (a unit named after a chemist). On the periodic table it increases from left to right across a period. It decreases down a group on the periodic table.

How does electronegative change going down and across the table?

Electronegativity increases across (left to right) the periodic table and decreases on going down.

How does Electronegativity trend across the periodic table?

Electronegativity increases across a period (left to right).

What will the Elements going across the periodic table from left to right will?

gain electrons more readily and increase in nonmetallic character