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Q: What is the legal age to smoke cigarettes in Maryland?
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What is the legal age to buy cigarettes in Maryland?

18 But if some Maryland lawmakers have their way, 18 will be too young to smoke a cigarette. Derek Valcourt has more on an effort to raise the minimum smoking age in the state to 21. Twenty-one would then be the legal drinking age and the legal smoking age.

What is the legal age to smoke in France?

you have to be 16 to buy cigarettes in France and in schools you are allowed to smoke when you are 16. you have to be 16 to buy cigarettes in France and in schools you are allowed to smoke when you are 16.

What is the legal age to cigarettes in mass?

In the United States you must be 18 to buy and smoke cigarettes.

What is the legal age for smoking in Australia?

The legal gambling age in Australia is 18.

Is smoking cigarettes illegal at age 16?

16 is the legal age to use tobacco products in the United States (in most states) But you MUST be 18 to purchase or possess tobacco so you can smoke but you cant have more the the cig your smoking on you

Smoking age in Florida?

The legal age to both smoke and buy cigarettes in the state of Florida is 18.

Is it illegal for under 16's to smoke cigarettes in the US?

18 is the legal age.

Legal age to buy tobacco in New Jersey?

No. In New Jersey, it is not illegal for a minor to smoke cigarettes, BUT it is illegal for minors to purchase cigarettes.

What is the legal age to smoke hookah in Michigan?

The legal age to smoke hookah in Michigan is 18 years old.

What is the legal age to sell cigarettes in Las Vegas?

Eighteen is the legal age in all but three states. Two of the states are Alabama and Alaska in which nineteen is the legal age. If you can legally buy them, you can legally smoke them.

What is the legal age to sell tobacco in PA?

Eighteen is the legal age for purchasing cigarettes everywhere in the United States except Texas, where they just recently passed a law making nineteen the legal age for purchasing cigarettes.

What is the legal age for smoking cigaretts in California?

18 is the legal age to smoke cigarettes. However if you do it in a private place the law cannot do anything as you are not in public