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Q: What is the legendary history of the founding and growth of Rome?
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Titus livius wrote ab urbe condita a history of which city?

Titus Livius wrote "Ab Urbe Condita" (From the Founding of the City), a history of Rome that covers its early history from its legendary founding in 753 BC to the early years of the Roman Empire.

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What is the date for the founding of the Roman Republic?

The term foundation of Rome does not refer to the building of a new city. It refers to the foundation of the Roman city-state.The dates given for the foundation of Rome vary between 753 BC and 728 BC. The Romans then settled on the date suggested by Marcus Terentius Varro, 753 BC. The Fasti Capitolini, a chronological list which recorded official and religiously sanctioned events, give532 as the date. All sources agreed on the day: the 21th of April the day of the Parilia, a festival in honour of Pales, a deity of shepherds.On that date Romulus became the ruler of the Palatine Hill. He then unified the settlements on the other six hills around the Palatine, which were to become the Seven Hills of Rome, under his rule. Therefore, Romulus founded the Roman city-state and was its first king.

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The Greeks dated events from the first Olympiad in in 776 B.C. -- two decades before the legendary founding of Rome.

How meany wars were in Rome?

Rome did not fight in Rome. It had hundreds of wars throughout its 2,100-year history from founding in 753 BCE to the fall of the eastern empire in 1453 CE.

What was the early history of Rome?

There us a great history behind Rome. Rome is one of the ancient cities which was founded close to 2,800 years ago. The ancient Romans were skilled engineers and architects among other profession. This is currently referred to as the eternal city.

Who established Rome and why?

St rome founding group

Who was legendary founder of the city state of Rome?

The legendary founders of Rome were Romulus and Remus, but mainly Romulus.

Rome's legendary founder?

Romulus and Remus (twins) founded rome by joining the latin tribes and founding a sttlement over sevn hills. Then they went on to conquer the etruscan kings before Remus killed Romulus in his lust for power.

Why did Caesar Augustus want virgil to compose a story about the founding of rome?

Augustus commissioned Virgil to write a poem about the founding of Rome for a historical identity. Up until the time of Virgil, Rome's history had been hazy and there were several interpretations of the Romulus and Remus affair. Virgil took the strands of myth and wove them together.

What is the document History of Rome by Livy about?

Livy wrote the about the early history of Rome, from its foundation in 753 BC to his days in the first century BC. His collection of books is called Ab urbe condita libri, which means books from the founding of the city.

When was the founding of Rome?

== == ---- 750 B.C.