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Q: What is the length of the Sue skull?
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What is the biggest T-rex ever found?

I can't remember when, but the largest T.rex to date comes from a T.rex skull that was dug up in Montana. Its skull was 6 feet long and beats the length of Sue's skull, who had the record previous. The larger skull was a male which can only tell scientists that T.rex could get larger then Sue.

What is the size of a dryopithecus skull?

The average size of a Dryopithecus skull is estimated to be around 20-25 centimeters in length.

Has any Tyrannosaurus rex been found that is bigger than Sue who is on display at the Field Museum in Chicago?

No larger entire specimens have yet been found, but fragmentary fossils strongly suggest that individuals larger than Sue existed. For example, the skull of a Tyrannosaurus known as MOR008 is larger than Sue's skull by 6%.

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Axial Sue The Librarian Axial Skeleton

Sue suitcase has 6 faces The sides of the suitcase are not them same length What shape is Sue suitcase?

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How long is a spinosaurus skull?

The skull of Spinosaurus isn't known from complete remains. However, it is estimated to be 1.75 meters, or 5.7 feet, in length.

What is a condylobasal length?

Condylobasal length is a measurement used in the field of anthropology and paleontology to estimate the size of an animal's skull. It specifically measures the distance between the back of the skull (the condyles) and the front (the basal region). This measurement is commonly used to compare the sizes of different species and to study trends in skull evolution.

Sue draw a square each side of the was 4 centimeters long what was the perimeter of the square sue drew?

Perimeter of square = 4*length of side = 4*4cm = 16 cm.

How long did tyrannosaurus rex live for?

It depends on the age of the Tyrannosaurus in question. The largest known from a fairly complete skeleton is Sue, which reached a length of 12.8 metres. However, a skull of a T. rex, MOR 008, is significantly larger, and using the skull-body length ratio system we can deduce a slightly longer creature. And it's A Tyrannosaurus rex, not an. I mean seriously man, come on!

Has a Spinosaurus skull ever been found?

No complete Spinosaurusskull has been found.The first specimen found (the holoytpe,BSP 1912 VIII 19) had a fragment from the maxilla and the front half of the lower jaw (the Dentary).These were destroyed in the second World War.Since then bits and piecesof skull have been referredto Spinosaurussuch as MNHN SAM 124 and MSNM V4047.MSNM V4047 is a portion of skull almost a meter long containing the PremaxillaMaxilliaand Nasal.The total skull length has been estimated be around 1.75m in length.----------------------------------------------------------------------------

What characteristics does a hagfish have?

A hagfish has the following characteristics. It is like a eel. It is slimy. It has a skull but does not have a vertebral column. It is jawless. It has an average length of 19.5 inches.

What are skulls on halo reach?

the primary ones are: iron skull, black eye skull, tough luck skull, catch skull, cloud skull, famine skull, thunderstorm skull, tilt skull, mythic skull and the secondary ones are: blind skull, cowbell skull, gruntbirthday party skull, iwhbyd skull and all of them are accessible from the start so you dont have to look for them. hope i helped :P