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The organ is made up of different types of tissue working together to perform a specific job. Examples of organs are the brain, the thyroid, and the uterus.

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Q: What is the level of organization is made up of different types of tissue working together to perform a specific job for your body?
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It is organelle right

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Since the levels of organization are cell, tissue, organ, system, organism, then the definition of system is: a group of organs that work together to perform a specific function in a living thing.

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According to the structural organization of the human body, Tissues are groups of similar cells that have a common function. An organ is composed of at least two different tissues types that perform a specific function within the body.

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Are a group of tissues that work together to perform a specific function?

Groups of tissues that work together to perform a specific function make up organs. These organs then make up systems.

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Multicellular organisms have various levels of organization within them. Individual cells may perform specific functions and also work together for the good of the entire organism. The cells become dependent on one another.

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